Всякий, ненавидящий брата своего, есть человекоубийца; а вы знаете, что никакой человекоубийца не имеет жизни вечной, в нем пребывающей. 1 Ин. 3,15


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Икона всех святых, в Британии и Ирландии просиявших
Икона всех святых, в Британии и Ирландии просиявших
Собор всех святых в земле Британской и Ирландской просиявших, празднование Русской Православной Церкви

Празднование в третью неделю по Пятидесятнице

Соборное празднование всех святых Британской и Ирландской земли в третье воскресенье после Пятидесятницы вначале установилось как местное в Сурожской епархии Русской Церкви, в чьё ведение входят приходы в Великобритании. В ответ на прошение епархиального собрания Сурожской епархии от 3 марта 2007 года Священный Синод Русской Православной Церкви на заседании 21 августа 2007 года благословил празднование.

Схема расположения святых на иконе Собора Британских святых
Схема расположения святых на иконе Собора Британских святых
На иконе Собора Британских и Ирландских святых изображены (ниже приведены в порядке кончины, слева см. схему их расположения на образе):

  • Первомч. Британский Албан Веруламский (+ 305, память 22 июня)
  • Свт. Ниниан Уитхорнский (+ 432, память 16 сентября)
  • Свт. Патрик Ирландский (+ 461, память 17 марта)
  • Свт. Герман Мэнский (+ ок. 474, память 3 июля, 31 июля/1 октября)
  • Св. Морвенна (нач. VI в., память 5 июля)
  • Свт. Дубтах Армахский (+ 513, память 7 октября)
  • Прп. Моненна Ирландская (+ ок. 518, память 6 июля)
  • Прп. Бригитта Ирландская (+ 525, память 1 февраля)
  • Свт. Дифриг Эргингский (+ ок. 550, память 14 ноября)
  • Прп. Гильда Премудрый (+ ок. 570, память 29 января)
  • Прп. Брендан Странник (+ ок. 575/577/583, память 16 мая)
  • Прп. Петрок Корнуоллский (+ 594, память 4 июня)
  • Свт. Асаф Ллан-Эльвийский (+ ок. 596/601, память 1 мая, 11 мая)
  • Прп. Колумба Ионский (+ 597, память 9 июня)
  • Прп. Австолл Корнуоллский (VI в., память 28 июня)
  • Свт. Бранвалладер Корнуоллский (VI в., память 19 января, 9 февраля, 6 июня)
  • Прп. Брэннок Браунтонский (VI в., память 7 января)
  • Свт. Махар Абердинский (VI в., память 12 ноября)
  • Мч. Нектан Хартлендский (VI в., память 17 июня)
  • Св. Нонна Валлийская (VI в., память 3 марта)
  • Свт. Серван Шотландский (VI в., память 1 июля)
  • Прп. Сейриол Пенмонский (VI в., память 1 февраля)
  • Свт. Давид Валлийский (+ ок. 600, память 1 марта)
  • Свт. Августин Кентерберийский (+ 605, память 26 мая)
  • Свт. Кентигерн Стрэтклайдский (+ ок. 612, память 13 января)
  • Прп. Кевин Глендалохский (+ 618, память 3 июня)
  • Мц. Винифреда Трефинонская (+ 630, память 3 ноября)
  • Прп. Энсвита Фолкстоунская (+ ок. 640, память 31 августа)
  • Мч. Освальд, король Нортумбрийский (+ 642, память 5 августа)
  • Свт. Павлин Йоркский (+ 644, память 10 октября)
  • Свт. Феликс Бургундский (+ 648, память 8 марта)
  • Свв. братья прп. Фурсей Ирландский (+ ок. 648, память 16 января) и Фойллан
  • Свт. Вирин Дорчестерский (+ 650, память 3 декабря)
  • Свт. Айдан Линдисфарнский (+ 651, память 31 августа)
  • Мч. Освин, король Нортумбрийский (+ 651, память 20 августа)
  • Прп. Беуно Клинногский (+ ок. 660, память 21 апреля)
  • Св. Кадваладр, король Валлийский (+ 664, память 12 ноября)
  • Свт. Кедд Ластингемский (+ 664, память 7 января, 26 октября)
  • Свт. Колман Линдисфарнский (+ 676, память 18 февраля)
  • Св. Этельдреда Элийская (+ 679, память 23 июня)
  • Прп. Хильда Уитбийская (+ 680, память 25 августа, 17 ноября)
  • Свт. Эрконвальд Лондонский (+ 686-693, память 30 апреля)
  • Свт. Кутберт Линдисфарнский (+ 687, память 20 марта)
  • Свт. Феодор Тарсийский, архиеп. Кентерберийский (+ 690, память 19 сентября)
  • Свт. Эдберт Линдисфарнский (+ 698, память 6 мая)
  • Мц. Осита Чичская (+ 700, память 7 октября)
  • Свт. Хедда Винчестерский (+ 705, память 7 июля)
  • Св. Адриан Кентерберийский (+ 709, память 9 января)
  • Прп. Гутлак Кроулендский (+ 714, память 11 апреля)
  • Свт. Эгвин Вустерский (+ 717, память 30 декабря)
  • Прп. Фридесвида Оксфордская (+ 735, память 19 октября)
  • Прп. Витбурга Холкемская (+ ок. 743, память 17 марта)
  • Прп. Вальбурга Хайденхаймская (+ ок. 779, память 25 февраля)
  • Свв. братья свт. Виллибальд Айхштетский (+ 781/786/787, память 7 июля) и св. Виннибальд Хайденхаймский (+ 761, память 18 декабря)
  • Мч. Кенельм Валлийский, король Мерсийский (+ ок. 821, память 17 июля)
  • Свт. Свитин Винчестерский (+ 862, память 15 июля)
  • Мч. Эдмунд, король Восточно-Английский (+ 869, память 20 ноября)
  • Прп. Неот Корнуоллский (+ 877/880, память 31 июля)
  • Страстотерпец король Эдуард Английский (+ 979, память 18 марта)
  • Прп. Эдита Вильтонская (+ 984, память 16 сентября)
  • Свт. Дунстан Кентерберийский (+ 988, память 19 мая)
  • Сщмч. Алфегий Кентерберийский (+ 1012, память 19 апреля, 8 июня)
  • ...
  • ST AEDH MACBRICC founded many churches at Meath of which he was Bishop. He is particularly invoked for the cure of headache. He died in 588.
  • ST AFAN, grandson of a king, was a disciple of St Dewi. He died in Llanafan, Powys.
  • ST ALDHELM was the first English scholar of distinction, and became first Bishop of Sherborne. His brief episcopacy was marked by energy and enterprise. He died in 709.
  • ST ATRACTA who is renowned for her powers of curing illness. In her lifetime her convent at Killaraght was the scene of many miraculous healing. She lived in the 6th century.
  • ST BEOCA founded a monastery at Lough Derg in Donegal, Ireland, in the late 5th century.
  • ST BONIFACE, a native of Devonshire, he missionized Germany, and the results of his labours endured. He brought other missionaries from England, including women and died in Friesland in 754 or 755.
  • ST BRYNACH left Ireland in the 5th century and settled in Pembrokeshire, Wales, where he remained a pious hermit.
  • ST CAINNECH. Devotion to him in Ireland is second only to that accorded to St Patrick and St Brigid. He is renowned as a poet and lover of lonely places. He founded many monasteries and later went to Scotland where he worked with St Columba of Iona. After a life resplendent with miracles he died in 599.
  • ST COLMAN OF ARMAGH was a disciple of St Patrick, by whom he was buried.
  • ST CUTHMAN, a confessor who lived a holy life as a shepherd in Sussex in the 9th century.
  • ST DAMIAN. In the 2nd century he came to preach the Gospel in Britain at the invitation of St Lucius, King of the Britons.
  • ST DEINIOL, son of a Celtic chieftain, founded two monasteries in North Wales, both named Bangor. With St Dewi and St Dyfrig held synod of bishops in 545. He died about 584.
  • ST EDWIN, King, baptized with his nobles and many others by St Paulinus of York. He reigned in a Christian spirit, bringing peace and order to his kingdom. He was killed fighting the pagan Mercians and was revered as a Saint and Martyr. He died in 632.
  • ST ELSTAN, monk at Abington Abbey in the reign of Edgar the Peaceable, then bishop of Winchester. He died in 981.
  • ST EOCHOD is remembered as Apostle of the Picts in Scotland where he preached the Gospel in accordance with the wishes of St Columba. He died in 597.
  • ST ETHELBURGA, sister of St Erconwald, was appointed by him Abbess of the monastery at Barking. She is said to have shown herself in every way worthy of her brother, in holiness of life and in care for those under her. Miracles were recorded at her monastery during her lifetime. She died about 676.
  • ST ETHELWALD. A monk at Glastonbury under St Dunstan. He founded a monastery at Abingdon, and later a number of others including Peterborough. He was consecrated Bishop of Winchester. He died in 984.
  • ST FAILBHE, Abbot of Iona in the 7th century.
  • ST FINIAN, an outstanding Irish scholar who went to Scotland to be trained in the monastic life at Candida Casa, the great monastic school founded by St Ninian. On returning to Ireland he founded a monastery at Moville in County Down of which he became Abbot-Bishop. He died in 576.
  • ST FUGATIUS. With St Damian he came to preach the Gospel in Britain in the 2nd century at the invitation of St Lucius, King of the Britons.
  • ST GERAINT, confessor, king, friend and father of Saints, who in the 6th century was the spiritual son of St Teilo, at whose hands he received the Last rites before entering the heavenly abode. In the world St Geraint was King of Devon.
  • ST GERMAN, a British Celt who was converted to Christianity by St German of Auxerre, whose name he took. He received a martyr's crown in present-day Normandy in 460.
  • ST GLADYS, daughter of King Brychan of Brecknock, wife of St Gwynllyn, and mother of St Cadoc , in the 6th century.
  • ST HELIER, born in Belgium of pagan Saxon parents, he was instructed in the Faith by his Christian tutor. He was baptized and trained in the ascetic life at the monastery of Nanteuil, and also taught the Celtic language. From there he went to a group of strict hermits on the Isle of Jersey and later withdrew to a cave in the rocks. From there he missionised the local inhabitants. When pirates raided the island St Helier preached Christ to them and was killed, thus becoming Jerseýs first Martyr, in 560.
  • ST HERBERT, disciple and friend of St Cuthbert, was venerated in the Lake District and is still remembered there. He lived as a hermit on the island in Lake Derwent Water which bears his name. He died in 687.
  • ST HIEU, Abbess of Tadcaster, Yorkshire, was instructed in the monastic life by St Aidan. She died in 657.
  • ST IA was born in Ireland and migrated to Cornwall, settling at Porthya, now St Ives. She was to have travelled to Cornwall with St Fingar and his companions but somehow they left without her. As a sign that her mission was pleasing to God, a leaf was miraculously enlarged to carry her over the sea and she who was last to leave was the first to arrive. For many years she laboured for Christ before receiving a martyr's crown in 450.
  • ST ILLTYD, one of the most celebrated of the Welsh Saints, spent his early life at court, but renounced the world and became a monk. He was a disciple of St Cadoc and later founded the abbey known as Llan-Illtut (Llantwit) which became a 'nurserý for many of the Saints of the Celtic church. He died in 505.
  • ST JUSTUS, son of St Geraint. He became a monk and lived in a solitary cell. He eventually settled in a place which perpetuated his name, St Just-in-Penwith. He died in the 6th century.
  • ST KENNERA, a holy virgin who lived as a solitary at Kirk-Kinner in Scotland (Galloway) in the 5th century.
  • ST MAELRHYS witnessed to the Faith on the isle of Bardsey (the Isle of Saints) in the 6th century.
  • ST MACNIS was baptized by St Patrick and later consecrated Bishop by him. He died in 514.
  • ST MELOR, a boy Martyr who was murdered by his uncle wishing to usurp his father’s throne. There are churches dedicated to him in Wiltshire, and a holy well in Callington, Cornwall.
  • ST MEWAN, disciple and relative of St Samson of Dol. He entered a monastery in Brittany and later founded another. He died in 617.
  • Ss SOCRATES and STEPHEN, who were martyred in Monmouthshire in 304 under the persecution of Diocletian.
  • ST TERNAN was a missionary among the Picts in Northern Britain in the 6th century. He was founder and Abbot-Bishop of Culross monastery in Fifeshire. He was educated at Candida Casa.
  • ST THENEVA was the mother of St Kentigern Mungo and with him is venerated in the Glasgow area (6th century).
  • ST ULTAN was brother of Ss Fursey and Foillan. He succeeded St Foillan as Abbot of Fosses, and he too was revered there, as a Saint. He died in 686.
  • ST URITH OF CHITTLEHAMPTON, a Celtic maiden of pure and holy life who had been converted to Christianity by the Bishop St Kea in the 6th century. With patience she suffered the jealousy of her heathen stepmother, who eventually was overcome with hatred and bribed haymakers to attack and kill St Urith with their scythes. The place of her martyrdom was marked by the miraculous appearance of a spring in the Devonshire village of Chittlehampton.
  • ST YRCHARD, a native of Scotland who was ordained by St Ternan. They laboured together to preach the Gospel to the heathen Picts in the 5th century.

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