> Да, в общем я тоже поддержу эту просьбу. И давайте подождем, пока кто-нибудь что-нибудь напишет и покрепит... А уж опосля...
Авторы статьи англояз. Википедии 'Битва при Филомелионе́ ссылаются на на 1 источник. В русской – на 2-а, плюс в примечании приводят ссылку на статью Петровского И. “Отлучить или прославить. Часть IV. Эрзац христианства или трудности перевода.”
Приведу выдержки из первого источника
// см. Norwich, John Julius (1997). A Short History of Byzantium. — New York: Vintage Books. — pp. 264//:
“The Turks were less easily dealt with. Since they still had more than enough territory in Asia Minor, their invasions were more raids than anything else: they avoided pitched battles, attacking over a wide front at several points simultaneously and then making a quick getaway with as much plunder and as many prisoners as they could. In 1111 they crossed into Thrace; in 1113 they laid siege to Nicaea, but were defeated; and in 1115, they were once again on the march, this time beneath the banners of Malik-Shah, Seljuk Sultan of Jconium.
But the Emperor was slowing down. By now nearly sixty - or sixty-eight if we are to believe one chronicler - and already prey to the disease that was to destroy him, not until the autumn of 1116 did he set off with his army against the Sultan. He advanced as far as the city of Philomelion; then, for reasons unclear, he decided to return, and it was only when he was on the way home that Malik-Shah decided to attack. Of the ensuing battle we know litde. The Emperor seems to have been victorious; but it was his last victory He returned to Constantinople a sick man, to find himself in the centre of bitter domestic strife, caused largely by his wife Irene.”
Т.е. не позднее осени 1116 г. Далее судите сами.
С фразой о разрушения города -сложнее. Если интересно, выложу через неделю.
P.S.: Вопрос исповедания веры. Таинство крещения принял во взрослом возрасте. Прихожанин УПЦ МП. Простите за многословие.