Всякий, ненавидящий брата своего, есть человекоубийца; а вы знаете, что никакой человекоубийца не имеет жизни вечной, в нем пребывающей. 1 Ин. 3,15

Обсуждение новости "В Армянской Апостольской Церкви рукоположили..."

Олексій Тре

Сообщений: 2255
Дата регистрации: 03.04.2013
Re: ничего забавного
17.01.2018 20:23:40 в ответ на "Забавно" (Александр Иванов)

> > ...рукоположена в сан диакониссы главой Армянской Апостольской Церкви в Иране...
> > Согласно 15 правилу IV Вселенского собора...
> Забавная отсылка к IV Вселенском собору в новости об Армянской церкви, которая не признает этот Cобор.

Как пишут армяне, на Халкидоне отцы всего лишь зафиксировали то, что было принято еще при Феодосии в 390, в 451 только снизили возрастной ценз с 60 до 40 лет.

"Decisions affecting deaconesses are already contained in the nineteenth canon of the Council of Nicea (325). The passage concerns those enter- ing the Catholic Church from various sects: "Similarly deacons and all who are under canons will retain their office. We also remarked that deaconesses who have [only] the semblance of ordination are to remain in all respects part of the laity." [23]

"In the canons of Theodosius [24] (390) a can- didate to be deaconess must be sixty years of age. This is lowered to forty in the fifteenth canon of the Council of Chalcedon (451). In case of contracting marriage after ordination, the se- vere penalty of excommunication was fixed. In the sixth century, among the laws promulgated by the emperor Justinian, the deaconess was ac- knowledged as a state official. Among the four hundred and twenty-five active clergy in Constantinoplés cathedral of Agia Sophia forty deaconesses are listed who resided either in their parents' house or in a community near the church [25] The development of deaconesses in the church reaches its conclusion with the Council of Chalcedon."

"In the Armenian Church tradition, the development of the office of female diaconate is divided into four historical periods according to Fr. Abel Oghlukian, the author of a study on the subject: (a) 4th-8th centuries in Greater Armenia; (b) 9th-11th centuries in Eastern and Cilician Armenia, where the term “deaconess” is included in the book of ordination (Մաշտոց); (c) 12th century and on, where there are “literary references and rites for the ordination of deaconesses in liturgical texts in Cilicia and eastern Armenia; and (d) 17th century renewal of female diaconate. (3)
