Всякий, ненавидящий брата своего, есть человекоубийца; а вы знаете, что никакой человекоубийца не имеет жизни вечной, в нем пребывающей. 1 Ин. 3,15

Обсуждение статьи "СИМЕОН ДИВНОГОРЕЦ"

Олексій Тре

Сообщений: 2254
Дата регистрации: 03.04.2013
Re: О датах и арифметике.
21.08.2017 08:02:18 в ответ на "Re: О датах и арифметике." (Олексій Тре)

> Еще раз арифметика: 7 + 68 = 75 (это почти константа).

Далее, на заметку (выцарапано с http://www.oxfordreference.com/)

Symeon the Stylite the Younger, saint; born Antioch 521, died in monastery of the Wondrous Mountain 592; feastdays 23 and 24 May. Symeon was born to a family of perfumers originally from Edessa . When his father perished in an earthquake (26 May 526), Symeon left for a mountainous site called Pila; at age seven he ascended a pillar and became a stylite . Circa 541 he moved to another pillar, atop the Wondrous Mountain; later a monastery was built nearby. Symeon wrote ascetic works and troparia ; two of his letters are preserved. John of Damascus attributed Symeon's Life to Arkadios, archbishop of Constantia on Cyprus, but van den Ven (infra [1962] 1:101f) rejects this attribution, suggesting that it was written by an anonymous contemporary of Symeon. Although Symeon's exploits took place in a deserted mountainous site north of the Orontes, the author frequently refers to Antioch, describing the Persian siege of 540, the plague of 542, and the earthquake of 557; he worries that the Antiochenes, particularly the elite, are infected with paganism, Manichaeanism, astrological beliefs, and other heresies (par. 161.20–21). Also interested in events in Constantinople, he has Symeon predict that Justin II would succeed Justinian I . He is aware of the Arab world, reporting the death of the Lakhmid al-Mundhir ( Alamundarus ) in 553 . Nikephoros Ouranos reworked the Life, which is also preserved in several abridged versions ( J. Bompaire, Hellenika 13 [1954] 71–110) and in Georgian and Arabic translations (J. Nasrallah, AB 90 [1972] 387–89). The monastery produced Symeon tokens (see Pilgrim Tokens ), clay and lead images of Symeon, which were popular with pilgrims until the 12th C. ( J. Lafontaine-Dosogne, Byzantion 51 [1981] 631). Images of the younger Symeon the Stylite closely echo that of the Elder, so that it is often difficult to distinguish between the two when there is no identifying caption. ed. P. van den Ven, Les écrits de s. Syméon Stylite le Jeune avec trois sermon sinédits, Muséon 70 (1957) 1–57.

Sources. La Vie ancienne de s. Syméon Stylite le Jeune, ed. P. van den Ven, 2 vols. (Brussels 1962–70). BHG 1689–1691c. A.-J. Festugière, Types épidauriennes de miracles dans la vie de Syméon Stylite le Jeune, JHS 93 (1973) 70–73. S. Šestakov, Žitie Simeona Divnogorca v ego pervičnoj redakcii, VizVrem 15 (1908) 332–56. C. Squarr, K.G. Kaster, LCI 8:364–67. W. Volbach, Zur Ikonographie des Styliten Symeon des Jüngeren, RQ 30 (1966) 293–99. J. Lafontaine-Dosogne, Itinéraires archéologiques dans la région d'Antioche (Brussels 1967). Eadem, L'influence du culte de Saint Syméon stylite le Jeune sur les monuments et les représentations figurées de Géorgie, Byzantion 41 (1971) 183–96.

  • Alexander Kazhdan, Nancy Patterson Ševčenko. "Symeon the Stylite the Younger." The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium. Ed. Alexander P. Kazhdan. © 1991, 2005 by Oxford University Press, Inc. The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium (e-reference edition). Oxford University Press. Yale University. 16 February 2012
