> Етого св. есть муж?
Знаете ли какво означава думата "вдова" на български? "Вдовица". На английски "widow".
- St. Madrun, Widow (Materiana) 9 April
> 5th century; a second feast is celebrated on October 19. According to a dubious "vita," Madrun was the daughter of Vortimer and wife of Ynyr Gwent, ruler of the area around Caerwent (Monmouthshire). Following the battle described by Nennius in which Vortigern was killed, Madrun fled with the youngest of her three children, Ceidio, first to Carn Fadryn and then to Cornwall. She was either Welsh or Cornish, and churches are dedicated to her honour in Tintagel and Minster (near Boscastle), where she was buried